What is inside SkyFireOS CD?
This CD-Image contain MS-DOS 7.1 bootable. Please burn the disk image to a blank CD with Nero, or any ISO burner. Restart your computer and boot from CD (On the POST Screen). Follow all instructions and there you go!
Any applications installed in SkyFireOS?
SFA Player (A multimedia Player, namely SkyFireAMP)
SIMP (A GIMP-like image editor, namely SkyFire Image Processing)
Image viewer
- Cruel
- Fifteen
- Golf
- Klondike
- Laby
- Minesweeper
- Snake
- Peg. Solitaire
- Tetris
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- Towers of Hanoi
Text Editor
Disk Commander
Disk Imager (a good Floppy IMG extractor and packer)
Files Explorer
Registry Editor
Applications Terminal (the best application, allowing you to run DOS games)
DOS terminal
Can I virtualize it inside a VM?
Yes, however, DOSBOX is better for virtualizing DOS applications. Click here to download (Windows | Mac OS X | Solaris | OS/2 | Other Version) After you have downloaded and installed DOSBOX, download this file (OpenPine OS) and put this in you C:\OpenPine. Then, open DOSBOX and type "mount c c:\openpine" enter and "c:\openpine". OpenPine will surely started, and press "ALT + ENTER" to fullscreen and get in deep with OpenPine"
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