Download SkyFireOS 0.1.4b-a1 (Alpha 1) for USB drives

This is a part of SkyFireOS Software Development Kit (SDK).

We have published the removable USB / pendrive version of SkyFireOS. So you could make a portable disk to boot with SkyFireOS (like a Live CD version). Please take note that this is a part of SkyFireOS SDK. You are free to download and modify it sources.

This Removable version contain:
  1. SkyFireOS 0.1.4b-a1 (Revision B - Alpha 1)
  2. Base system only

SkyFireOS Games

Download games that is currently supported in SkyFireOS.

We have rebuild games binary and configurations that might compatible enough running in machine with SkyFire Operating System. They are all licensed media, some of them are shareware. We did not rebuild full version of the game. If you enjoy them, buy original or full version to support the game developers.

Some of the games are:
  1. Duke Nukem
  2. Command and Conquer
  3. Hospital Theme
  4. Checkers
  5. Megaman-X
  6. Street Fighters 2

SDK (Software Development Kit)

SkyFireOS SDK is currently under development.

We are the way to release an SDK so users can make their own software or make use of ours.
We released the sources of SkyFireOS at Google Code. You can create a clone (SVN) of our developments.

Our SDK will present:
  1. Batch programming kit
  2. DOS basic applications
  3. QBasic programming kit - QBasic programming will be available on SkyFireOS version 1.0.0 (with QB ported)
  4. Programming Examples
  5. Docs

Qube GUI ready to be ported to SkyFireOS

Qube is a multiplatform Desktop Environment with support for networking protocols such as TCP/IP, PPP, SMTP, HTTP etc. developed from scratch by Interactive Studio. The Qube environment was designed for a wide variety of console operating systems and it's designed to be easily portable. It supports multitasking even on non-multitasking operating systems, such as DOS.

SkyFireOS 0.1.4a (Revision A) + Games (Bootable CD)

SkyFireOS loaded with many games such as Street Fighters, Worms, etc
  1. Loaded with SkyFireOS 0.1.4a
  2. Exists in only Live CD version
  3. Contain supported Games for SkyFireOS (Many games)
  4. Exist in DOS environment
Download Now (SkyFireOS Games 0.1.4a.iso - 90.1 MB)

SkyFireOS Screenshots

Watch SkyFireOS Screenshot video (Youtube) on PopOut.

P/s:This GUI (codename Milestone) has their own OS you can run with. Using their dev on our's is just an additional. Made by JFK and Chase (finntech and doscore). Visit their website:

Discuss with us on Facebook

Discuss anything at our newly created Facebook page (Oct 9 2010):

SkyFireOS with other GUI

SkyFireOS is proudly support almost all GUI for DOS.

The best stunning DOS GUI is oZone that soon will be ported into SkyFireOS
P/s: This is not our work. This GUI (codename Milestone) has their own OS you can run with. Using their dev on our's is just an additional. Made by JFK and Chase (finntech and doscore). Visit their website:


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  • awesomedave-rendermng-chromium
  • josephwellington-cobolinfortran

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hg clone openpine

To push your changes, authenticate with your Google Account and your
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The latest version (Published 10.10.2010) - Version 0.1.4b (Revision B-alpha1)

The latest version (Published 10.10.2010) - Version 0.1.4b (Revision B-alpha1) is coming out now on October 10, 2010. We planned the development and now it is published.

This is an alpha version before it successfully turned into version 0.1.5. Also, SkyFireOS is still in planning stage to move to FreeDOS, as we are currently testing it at the moment.

You are free to test the alpha!

Project moving

The development is far more advance when we are moving to more Opensource-friendly environment. We ask for patents, where we always keep people's work credited. We also trying to move to ReactOS kernel for it's stable drivers etc.

Viva SkyFireOS!


Download SkyFire Operating System

Latest Development (Newest published version)

SkyFireOS 0.1.4a (Revision A) + Games (Bootable CD)
Loaded with SkyFireOS 0.1.4a, and exists in only Live CD version. Contain supported Games for SkyFireOS (Many games)
SkyFireOS 0.1.4a (Revision A) + OpenPine GUI (Bootable CD)
It is a bootable ISO image, burn to a CD and boot. Contain SkyFireOS 0.1.4a (Revision A) capable of running on DOS. SkyFireOS 0.1.4 can run on DOS using virtualization, High Memory (HIMEM), CWSDPMI v7 (DPMI Host), and EMM386. OpenPine GUI will automatically started.

SkyFireOS 0.1.4a (Revision A) + OpenPine GUI
(For Windows)
Virtualization on Windows 9x, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista. Windows 7 is also supported (Disable UAC - User Account Control). Support large width and high color.

You may create a personal clone of this repository hosted on Google Code. Such clones are useful if you are not a committer of a project but still wish to make and publish changes to the source of its repositories.

  • johndoe-betterperformance-v8
  • awesomedave-rendermng-chromium
  • josephwellington-cobolinfortran

Create a Clone that hosted on Google Code

Get a local copy of the openpine repository with this command:

hg clone openpine

To push your changes, authenticate with your Google Account and your
generated password.